Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Living in a goldfish bowl

I know this isn't the best photo ever taken but it records what's happening in my life at the moment! We're having our soffits, fascias and guttering replaced and our house is scaffolded up (don't know what the correct term is for this!). It's really weird working in the upstairs study when a pair of legs walk past the window!

I've had a really bizarre week as I haven't had any supply so I've had loads of time to myself to get jobs done etc. I couldn't work on 2 days due to hospital appts but felt a mixture of relief and disappointment not to be phoned on the other days. Hubby seems to enjoy having a stay at home wife as "the house is tidy" - cheeky monkey! (it's also a lot cleaner too and I've written and posted the Christmas cards - unheard of for this early in the month).

Must say Happy Birthday to my eldest stepson - 26 today!!! Wow! He was only 4 when I met his dad - where has the time gone?

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