Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

A star is born

Well quite a lot of little stars actually! We went to my youngest son's school's Christmas performance this evening. KS 1 did 'An Alien Christmas' which sounds weird but had the Christmas story in it with some cute aliens and fun songs and was really enjoyable. KS2 did a talent show which was...different! Some of the acts were very enjoyable, for example a boy who was excellent on the drums, a clarinet player and some keyboard players but others were dire! My son and some of his friends did a funny poem about Christmas which had some interesting references to farting and Alka Seltzers and which went down well with the audience. I don't think I'm being biased when I say it was the best poem (or maybe I am but who cares!!!).

We arrived half an hour before the kids were supposed to be there in order to get a seat somewhere near the stage but, as usual, some people thought that coming later and just pushing in was acceptable! This is one of my pet hates and I really don't understand the mentality of people who think they can get away with it! So, as soon as the doors opened I was on a mission to get a decent seat and try and push out those pusher-inners!! My hubby thought it was hysterical but you've got to stand up for your rights in this world. OK rant over ;-)

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