Frozen magic!

Best laid plans gone astray today!

Had the idea i would get back to my painting exercises....and after getting up very early to take Karen to the shuttle bus (we will miss her!).....i thought i had the day ahead of me! Managed to finally get out for a walk, and it was bright but really cold! Still got most of the day ahead of me!! Then someone came to pick their dinnerware order...that was nice - then it was lunch time.....then cos it was sort of bright i thought i'd visit one of the other craft folks not far from here, to deliver her order and get my traded item....they do leather work!!! I got myself something totally unexpected....a leather apron for the studio!!!! It is awesome and will be pretty wonderful! so that took way longer than the time we visited, decided on which apron to was 4pm....the sun was going down - now it's 5.45pm and time to get dinner on!!!

so, maybe tomorrow i'll get to some painting!!!

have a happy weekend!

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