Big Hill

By bighill

Down at the Wharf....

Another mildish day here, but with just a bit of rain threatening to keep me from having a walk! But after spending the morning, finally, exploring the next exercise in my oil painting course to create volume and shadow....not easy i might add....i decided to head into Baddeck. There are only a couple of places to eat in town at this time of year, so i opted for the Village Kitchen. Just plain old, down to earth stuff....i had fish and chips!!!

then off to the library and a lovely chat with Cora-Lee, who has just returned from New York City! Now to say this would be a huge cultural shock is an understatement, neither of them have ever been to NY before....George and Cora-Lee live in Middle River, on a farm with lots of pigs, turkeys, chickens - dogs, cats etc.....their nearest neighbor is probably a good 10 minute walk! But to hear of their adventures was so exciting; visiting museums, art galleries, eating out in exotic places, going to shows....i'm feeling the need for such a 'cultural' hit myself! but New York is a bit far, and a tad expensive it would appear! so, the next best thing - Halifax. I'm going to try and organize a couple of days down there and get a bit of an art hit.

My need for this art hit has been mostly fueled by my own oil painting explorations but also this book i'm reading...Spending, by Mary Gordon,it has me very excited...on a few different levels!!! she's an artist, in her early 50s and the book follows her relationship with her ~ muse/patron/lover - now there is an interesting relationship eh! Her descriptions of the creative process are wonderful - exploring the old master's paintings and questioning many of the 'male' assumptions. Truly engrossing book....i'd highly recommend fact i'm off to the Forums to do just that!!!

I managed to take a good walk along the water front in Baddeck.....i found myself very interested in this arrangement of cloth and netting! It's on the side of one of the larger boats!

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