Tycho - Moon, Moose

So Hurricane Bawbag blew through and brought a thaw and the snow went away for a day, now we've got a wee dusting again and its cold ... as I can testify having been out lugging camera and tripod about.

Right so here we have our closest neighbour the good old moon almost full ...

See that bright spot down towards the base with the lines radiating out from it? That's the crater Tycho named after 16th Century Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe - he may be famous for his astronomical work but I think that even if he wasnt he deserves to be remembered for his pet moose which came to an unfortunate end after consuming strong drink : "it had happened that during the dinner, the moose had ascended the castle stairs and drunk of the beer in such amounts, that it had fallen down the stairs, and broken a leg. Despite the best care, the moose had died shortly thereafter. "

So, next time you look up at the moon, bet you'll look for Tycho and think about his beer-swilling pet moose!

Photo details : Shot with a 300m and 2x tele on an APS-C sensor so that's something like a 960mm equivalent focal length ... 1/640sec exposure at f7.1 shot with 2second delay. Even that doesnt give you a big moon so the image is well cropped. Image isnt changed to B&W ... that's just what colour is there.

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