'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly

Trial and error

I took 89 photos within an hour or two trying to get photos of the goldfinches. Got a photo of a blue tits arse too but I thought this was more appropriate, after cropping it so you could see it better.

Was such a good day until o2 effed up (ben having problems with them for months, but only in Canterbury. Told them, they don't seem to care that their texts are repeatedly failing to send and receive. So if any o2 workers look at this - please sort it out, it's really, really annoying) and didn't let my boyfriend send a text to me at around 11 to let me know he was finishing two hours later. Cue me getting hungry, expecting to eb able to have lunch with him, getting narky through texts and getting no replies then getting 2 through at once with him saying he was finishing later. RARGHHHH.

You have no idea how frustrating it is having PMS and having a good day relaxing then being filled with rage for a seemingly tiny thing that isn't actually the fault of my bofriend (though it would have bee an idea for him to phone if his texts hadn't sent, but we'll leave that for now) to suddenly having a dark cloud over you, wanting to cry and just.... Feeling rubbish. Within a split second your mood switches.

Anyone else suffer? It's horrible. I though the past few months I'd been alright but work is stressing me out and it's been getting worse the past couple of months.

Sorry. Turned out to be an essay with TMI for some people. Never mind. If you read this far you're not as squeamish as you thought.

Oh, weighed myself too. Only 2 and a quarter pounds to lose before I've lost half a stone. Hurrah.

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