As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Coats Are Too Mainstream

It was tough waking up this morning but I had an unusual amount of energy for a Monday. In gym we meditated. Probably my favorite part of the day. After school I went to Tri-M and performed, Rube Goldberg and worked on the machine, and then track. We did an easy six today. Tonight was the middle school orchestra concert and Sal asked me to play percussion for one of the songs so I went and did that. I was irrationally nervous that I was going to mess up but it all worked out. Afterwards, me, Alyssa, and Maureen, went to Dunkin' Donuts. Gooooooood times.

I also got an amazing Christmas card from Matt, Jenny, and Ruby in England! I miss them all so much :'(

Word of the Day: Felonious - Wicked; base; villainous

#62 ~ "Give head, stop breathe, get up, check your weave."

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