Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Fourteen

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

My education was furthered today.

For a start I was locked in the crate and had to fend for myself while NWW went to do stable duties this morning.

The horse was having a "morning in" waiting for the blacksmith and required to be tied up to MY tying up post while his stable was mucked out. It would appear I would just be in the way of things - on account of me being a perfect nutter anywhere close to the horse.

I was rewarded with a trip to the stable to put the horse out later in the morning when NWW realised that the farrier had sent her a text saying he would come TOMORROW. Sniggers.

NWW wiped the smile off my face though.
We had a lesson on "not killing the livestock". See yesterday's blip for how NOT to behave yourself.

She walked me around the yard and let me sniff about for a while. I've been doing that anyway but until now I've not been allowed anywhere near the sheep and cattle that live in the big shed. I'm very interested in them and I always strain on the lead to get a closer look at them.

Today we got closer. I behaved myself.
Then closer still.
Only a hint of excitement that was rapidly corrected by a sharp tug at the leash and that dreaded word - "Aaaaatttt"

And finally - well, as close as she was going to let me.

The sheep wandered over for a look. I looked back and remained calm. No jumping, no barking.

After a while I wasn't too bothered about them really. They're still interesting and I'd probably love to tear them up but somehow they have lost a lot of their appeal.

NWW was delighted with me and praised me loads.

She still doesn't trust me though and has said that any closer will involve the muzzle.

Yeah, whatever.

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