Christmas 1 - Nativity in Charity Shop

I spotted this nativity display in a charity shop window in Leith Walk this morning as I was walking up to work. I thought it looked pretty. In Barcelona is quite common to have a nativity display at home as part of the Christmas decorations. Funnily enough the most popular character in these nativity displays in Catalonia is a shepherd that craps, called "caganer" (the crapper or shiter. Sorry, no intention to offend anybody and yes, you read that correctly! We crazy Catalans!!!).

Hard to find the inspiration for Christmas shots but I'll get there!

Work was quiet. I'm reading again "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4" by Sue Townsend. One of the funniest books ever! The visit to the British museum is still the most hilarious part of the book. I was in tears today at lunch! Hahahaha!

Back home. I have received two Christmas cards but I haven't sent any yet. I feel really bad. The thing is, I wanted to make my own Christmas cards, but I think I'm running out of time, so I'll have to buy some instead!

Really looking forward to "We Will Rock You" the musical at Edinburgh Playhouse tomorrow! Planning to go there straight after work.

Not much more to report. Thanks a lot for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a wonderful day! :)

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