
2years 55days

I was merrily catching up on the previous night's events via facebook whilst Katie played this morning. I read several statuses about snow. Here. It was only 7am, I hadnt opened the curtains yet. But when I did, I discovered it was true. We indeed had snow, a small amount, but snow. As soon as Katie discovered, we were outside. In the near-dark, playing in the snow. After breakfast, she immediately wanted to go back out walk in it, play in it. We built our snowman, who as you can see is very small. He sadly later got run over.

She was not very amused that I insisted we drive the car to the Post Office, but was more impressed when I then took her to Montessori. She had a long time playing with their wooden food, the prams too. She played in a big paddling pool filled with tinsel and decorations, did some lovely paintings. All whilst she was dressed as a pirate.

After toddlers, we'd been invited for lunch with one of our friends. She loved playing with Heidi's toys, although didnt much play with Heidi! She had a great time with a pile of stuffed toy dogs and a rocking dolls crib. We came home for her to have a sleep as she wasnt keen on napping in Heidi's bed, which she's done before there.

When we got out, she wanted to go for a walk, which suited as I had to go back to the post office thanks to missing a parcel. There was very little snow but she managed to stomp in what there was, and splash in some puddles. She found a little minnie mouse toy in the shop in the village, which she proudly showed to the ladies at the bank. By the time we walked home, there was absolutely no snow left. I dont imagine it will be long before it returns.

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