Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Celebrating a Birthday . . .

Celebrating a Birthday Takes a Long Time!

How long does it take? . . . as long as we keep celebrating!

We enjoyed a long leisurely morning and then packed our bags and the pooches bags and about noon headed out of the house to continue the celebrating. We took the pooches to the indoor kennel (also known at PetSmart Hotel -- which costs an arm and a leg -- don't tell Chloe, Mitzi, or Max that I confessed or complained about that) and then the two of us made our get away to the coast.

We checked-in to our motel and immediately went looking for a mid-day snack and quickly found our way to the "The Stand" with is a health food establishment. I ordered a cup of soup and he order a cup of soup and half of an avocado sandwich. We both had split pea soup and he shared half of his "half sandwich" with me. Then we drove to the downtown area to stop in at the bakery for a macaroon and a cup of coffee to go. It was there that we saw Santa.

We took the "to go" and went to watch the coastline -- the waves, the walkers, and the descending sun. Watching the shoreline is a favorite past-time. The ocean is a favorite place.

Later in the evening we enjoyed dinner at a favorite Italian restaurant.

Rain arrived this afternoon--and I was immensely glad that we had left our three little pooches at an indoor kennel.

It is wet and cold; we're staying bundled-up with coats and scarves and enjoying the feel of winter. Tomorrow the birthday celebration continues.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

P.S. Thanks to everyone who wished Mr. Fun a Happy Birthday on yesterday's page. I think he's having a very good time.

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