Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Pencil Cholla Cactus

I took a short walk in the desert today. It didn't take too long to find the sun shining just right on this cholla (choy-a).


You can see the nodules where flowers had bloomed last season. Each one had a flower. I had a hard time catching cholla in bloom because I don't know quite when to go seeking them. Maybe I'll do better next summer.

I like these cactus because they are all gnarled up. I like gnarling.

The new shoes worked well today while walking among the grasses. No prickly things poking into my feet.

I'm going to take a ride to Tubac tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll get something from there. There's a slight chance of showers again for Saturday and especially on Sunday. Who knows what I'll actually end up with.

Do we ever really know?

Have a great weekend!

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