Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

Happy Traintastic 5th Birthday, Lucas!

Lucas is the son of a dear friend of mine. He's my special wee guy, and he'll be starting school at the beginning of next year. He's a Thomas obsessive, showing no signs of growing out of it. His party was all train/Thomas.

The kids all had a treasure hunt to construct their trains (out of cardboard boxes, and various craft items), there was pin the funnel on Thomas, and Pass the Parcel to a Thomas related song. His cake was Thomas. There were lots of Thomas presents, and he even got a superb Thomas watch from his parents for his birthday.

It was great fun. Apparently these Thomas candles are a bitch to blow out...took the kid a number of attempts, this was about 7th try, and even his mum and mate got in on the action trying to get them to go out.

More fun than those relighting candles...non blow-out-able candles.

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