
"I'm a hoarder, you know!" she said, grinning and admitting it, perhaps for the first time really. Well, yes, we've noticed, but we love her just the same. So, until she admitted it, I really didn't want to mention it, but it's true. The work we are doing to prepare Mother Comfort for her return to her home is a bit, daunting, really. Maybe daunting is too strong a word because I really feel just fine about this process. There's something wonderful about having a job that is so important and so timely that you just simply can't multi-task. I don't know if you're the same, but there is a direct connection to my stress level and how many projects I am trying to do and people I am trying to satisfy at the same time. It might also help that we don't know the exact date they will discharge her and attempt to send her home. It is possibly just an illusion that we have enough time to finish, but I'm content postponing the stress for now.

At today's end, and after a dump run, a little stop to get pizza from a family tradition. Back in the day when restaurants were few in our little twin cities, Gino's was happily making pizza while we stood on the platform in front of the window watching them! There were no children watching this evening. Perhaps Pixar is just too entertaining and children are just not moved by pizza making any more, but to me it was fabulous! See, the hand rail in front of the window keeps children from falling off the platform behind it.

Still the place to gather, the long, wooden tables and square little wooden stools are so very sturdy, they have served generations of locals well and are still going strong. The red velvet wallpaper still graces the walls and the juke box still plays oldies. I found myself happily absorbing the giggles and joy of two large groups celebrating birthdays. Two very different families represented here tonight, from different walks of life, but all enjoying the Gino's tradition. It felt like a holiday to me.

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