Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

When Children Get Your Camera

That's Maddy, upper right. Her mom is lower right, my sweetie, upper left and me below him. She saw me take a picture, took the camera, let me keep making little adjustments and help make sure the camera fired when she pushed the button and she had us all in smiles. What a little Sweetheart! Maddy was the tiniest, most outgoing little thing when we met her a couple years ago. Adorable! She went through a shy phase, then we didn't see her for a bit. She and mom came in the room a week ago and I said, "Maddy! Do you remember me and how much you love to run up and see me!" (sometimes you have to remind them, they forget during the shy phase) At first she looked at me kind of shy, then it was like a lightbulb went on and she ran up and hugged me. As she played with my camera today and snuggled up next to me at church, I felt so grateful to have such special little people in my life! We're blessed!

More progress on Mother Comfort's house today. We also made progress getting the Cottage Christmas Tree decorated and preparing for guests. Mother Comfort vacillated during our visit today, between chatting with me about the years of frustration her house has been to her and telling me we would have to just take her home if she got sick. I told her the Rehab facility was more able to care for her than we were if she were sick. Hrumph! She's being a good sport, but it is surely difficult for her at times. Still content with the whole breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed thing. We've encouraged her to go to the dining room to eat but she rather likes it this way.

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