Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

The Gift

Lugansky has a gift. Casually sitting there, testing out pianos, he appears completely unaffected by the amazing talent that explodes from his hands, or should I say, his entire being. He exudes music. Relaxed and free to express what is in him, he sets us at ease and gives himself away, his gift, our joy.

Gifts poured into us, must pour out again to be complete. The more we do, the more we can do. The freedom to try is a gift. The freedom to try again after failing is a greater gift. The ability to appreciate gifts in one another is key to unlocking those gifts and becoming free ourselves to give more completely, and so it continues, the giving, the receiving, the giving back, the taking in. A process so fragile, yet so resilient, it baffles the mind.

Another negative image as I experiment with my camera and learn it's ways. I love how this method gives the sense that things are sort of floating. The little package is actually a mesh with lights that change inside. The outer material is white, but the colors from inside change the image every time I take a picture of it. Tonight, I used the floor of my car as a sort of 'dark room' and took some pictures using a soft focus. It had a very nice effect too and I may play with that for tomorrow's blip. We did some caroling at the Medical Center today and will be out in Charleston tomorrow. Probably will take some pictures out there.

Have a great weekend!

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