Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Sixteen

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

No stable duties today. There never are at the weekend. Nippy Wee Wifie's friend sees to the horse Friday through Monday. Even just now while she's on vacation.

NWW wakened just after two this morning, stoked up the stove and then put on my leash to let me out for a pee.

We were hit by an icy, arctic blast as the front door opened.

I stepped out onto thick snow. NWW huddled in the doorway with her torch, lighting my way over to the area where I'm allowed to "go".
She wasn't coming with me.

She didn't go back to sleep, instead she snuggled on the sofa and watched TV.
Shortly after five am we traipsed back out again. The snow was deeper this time, the air thick with flurries.
The road was invisible with only a hint of tyre impressions to mark the passing of early morning travellers.

Shortly after dawn NWW set to with a shovel and cleared paths, driveways and parking spots. Periodically throughout the day she helped the neighbours clear their spaces too.

I got to meet two more neighbours.

One was a lady. We went over to visit her in her driveway. I sniffed suspiciously at her as NWW held her hand close to my jaws - just in case. I wasn't too fussed about her, preferring instead to stand up on my hind legs and try to launch myself at passing traffic.

The other neighbour was a man. He came to my front door and knocked.
Well, I barked fit to raise the roof. NWW answered the door and I squirmed in her arms, desperate to fend off this impudent intruder.
Again, my jaws were clamped closed by NWW fingers and I suffered a pat on the head.
The Nippy Wee Wifey was most impressed by my guarding abilities.
She reckons that I make quite a good wee guard dog.

We didn't go out anywhere in the car today but NWW allowed me a good hunt in the field. We searched for mice and voles and it was so exciting to snuffle about in the snow drifts.
The snow was deep, right up past my delicate bits.
NWW kindly took her snow shovel and cleared a huge patch for me to do my "business" in comfort.
The day was pretty much spent traipsing in and out, clearing snow and generally keeping the place clear.

Surprisingly it was quite warm. All the activity outside followed by sitting beside the stove made for a lovely comfortable day.

Aye, I'm quite liking this country living.

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