dare to be happy =)

By daretobehappy


Picture is of the cover of a book I'm attempting to read: "This is Your Brain on Music." It's quite a good book; I just have a terrible tendency to pick it up moments before I'm going to fall asleep and end up either re-reading the same paragraph 5 times or just plain falling asleep in the middle of it haha.

Ended up not seeing Sara's softball game because we got a late start. Went to my lesson at Ron's house; we three were late to the rehearsal for the recital, but it turned out not to be a big deal at all haha. I played the first movement of the Sammartini Sonata for the recital, and everyone ended up liking it a lot, so that's definitely a good thing haha. The teacher who hosted the recital had a plethora of teeny little students..like toddlers and stuff. They were soo cuteee! Some of them had little 1/16th size violins and the bows were itty bitty too. Haha, so it was definitely worth it to go =).

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