Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

No! I'm Not Done Yet!

"No! I'm Not Done Yet!" was the statement our neighbor hollered as Mr. Fun clicked this photo. Our neighbor thought photography should wait till he's got it done. He doesn't understand "a blip a day"!

It was also not quite dark enough, but Mr. Fun was just gracious enough to agree to my plea to head outside into the late afternoon chill to capture a blip for me. Right after he took this the camera battery died; otherwise, I think he would have continue on throughout the neighborhood as darkness crept in and most likely he would have captured a much better view.

Last year I did so much better at blipping some of the truly fabulously decorated homes in our neighborhood. I need to make a date with Mr. Fun to go together to see the neighborhood (and of course capture a few blips).

I'm up to my eyeballs in composing and constructing the annual "Funville" Christmas card. They lock me in my room until I've got it completed. It was about 28, maybe 29, years ago I started this folly and because it usually has a good intro and often a meaningful ending (the year's story in the middle is questionable), the family has commissioned me each year to continue. What's nice is that most of our close friends also want me to keep writing it. They get really ticked-off if they think they've been clipped from the address list. Sheeesh!

So soon the story of 2011 will be a final draft. The photos compiled. And the card will be the permanent history of our year. Actually, though, Blipfoto has become my spectacular place for securing some of what we've done in a year. I just don't share it with the family. I know that seems crazy, but I find it a great freedom to come here and just write whatever flies out of my keyboard. I rarely vent; only occasionally tell dark secrets; hardly ever lie; but when I am finished and tap the "publish" button each evening, I feel like somehow I've captured something of us. When I'm dead maybe someone in my family will find it interesting (I'm not, though, planning to be dead anytime soon). So I've put into the Christmas card the whole of the year on a page and hopefully it's an interesting story. If not, it certainly makes for good kindling.

But for the moment regarding this year's holiday card, "No! I'm Not Done Yet!" is what I'm answering as they keep knocking at my door and asking, "Ready now?"

So I'm also behind in my Blipfoto community (whatever happened to commenting?), not sure. I hope to get onto more of that soon. Maybe tomorrow I'll post a peek at the "Funville" card . Now I better get to addressing some envelopes.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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