Diary Of A Sinner

By ArchieDog

New Home - Day Twenty Three

My name is Archie and I am a sinner.

I spent the night at the Nippy Wee Wifie's mum's house last night.

NWW swanned off to work - slightly late after managing to lock the keys in the car.
Of course it was all my fault. NWW was struggling with bags, boxes and me. I was bouncing about and she dropped the keys in the floorwell.
When she picked the bunch up again the car key snagged on something and dropped out of sight. NWW didn't notice - until she slammed the door shut.

Ah well, I got to bark at the AA rescue man who came to break into the car.

NWW now knows how to do it herself.

So, I was alone - with Grandma.
She ignored me. I whined a bit. She ignored me more.

So I just slept. In my crate. In the huff.

I got a different walk this morning though. Different field beside Grandma's house. Full of strange dog smells - and fox too.
PSSST - I wasn't really off the leash. The Nippy Wee Wifie removed it in Photoshop.

Grandma kept me company while NWW slept but she still pretty much ignored me.

When NWW woke up it was back to the foxy field for a quick run. And boy did I run. Round and round and round till NWW was nearly dizzy watching me.

NWW managed to get to work on time and without locking herself out.

And I had Grandma for company again.

Maybe it's the start of a new routine.

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