As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

A Very Bumpy Bus Ride

Today was out AP Bio field trip! We were forced to go to math for a little bit and our teacher almost didn't let us leave when we needed to so we had Cahill come and free us. Then we boarded the bus and drove to the Dolan DNA Learning Center in Cold Spring Harbor. Me and Alyssa sat together in the back of the bus and when the bus went over a huge bump, she went flying and I twisted my back in a weird way #nerdproblems.

And no, I will not leave the hash tags on Twitter.

We analyzed our DNA for some unimportant gene that relatively few people have. That means that half our class had it. We ate lunch in a room with screaming elementary school kids and I played Tiny Wings. A lot. For the second half of the session, my table (me, Jack, Mike, and Kenny) played with Post-it's for most of the time. When it was time to go we hopped on the bus and drove back to school. We sang most of the ride back and Ms. Stuart even joyed in the festivities. When we got back I hung out in Hunter's room for a while just to relax. Then it was time for an easy five with the crew. I tutored for a half and hour and then had my orchestra concert. It was better than I expected. I went to Friendly's afterwards with Maureen, Kevin, and my brother. Kev and my brother were singing songs from Willy Wonka slightly above a normal conversational tone and the lady behind us had to turn around and bitch them out for being too loud. First of all, it's a Friendly's, home of eight year old's birthday parties and obnoxious teenagers on weekends. You shouldn't go there without accepting the fact that it will not be quiet. Second, they were the only people in there not from our high school. Thirty kids from the high school, two of them. Come at us. Finally, they were really rude about it. They could have asked nicely first before yelling. Bitches...

Sorry for the rant. I just keep thinking of witty comebacks I should have used but I didn't think of until now...

Word of the Day: Brogue - Any strong regional accent

#71 ~ "Some are young, some are dumb, some wanna die."

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