As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

We Made It! the world didn't end.

Last day of school in 2012! We watched Jane Eyre in English, and in Italian, Kenny, Larry, and I left to go talk to Psihos and Hampson. We cleared up some confusion with Hampson before heading to our third period classes. We reconvened in Psihos' room third period and stayed there until physics. Kenny and I tried to juggle in the back of the room for the entire period. In gym, I scored a goal in q-tip hockey, and lunch was interesting with the College Chem kids. APUSH was alright and I was dying to leave health. After school, Kenny and I walked with Mike to his house. We played some pool before I left to walk to Timmy's. Joe was there as well and the three of us walked back to the school for practice. We did partner 400's, and they were tough. I tutored for an hour, went home, ate dinner, and then went to watch Paige's basketball game with the crew. We all then went to Jaclyn's house for an End of the World Party. We played homemade Apples to Apples and ate my delicious taco dip (thanks Kate!). Foosball was played, and movies were watched, and we all had a grand old time.

Word of the Day: Algid - Cold; chilly

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