As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Band Concert 2010

Today's Tuesday...

I woke up at 2:50 to see the lunar was cloudy :( I heard that the moon was supposed to turn copper red and cast an eerie red light on everything... :( All I saw was a little sliver of white-orange behind the clouds. I went back to bed 10 minutes later.

Yoga was relaxing in gym... We had a lot of visitors in science today. First, Danny came in, but he's always there, so that wasn't too exciting (I hope you read that Danny). Then, the department chair, Ms. C, came in and interrupted things as usual. But it was okay because we had a sub (my middle school cross country coach, Ms. C). She talked to us and made fun of most of us for about 15 minutes and then she left. Then my favorite science teacher (Mr. M) came in! It was a brief visit but it was special nonetheless. He told us to stick with it for the next few days until break, because, as he always says, "Honors kids work hard, but we party harder!" So true. After he left, Ms. C came back in and we didn't do anything for the rest of the period.

We watched Elf in orchestra... We had another sub in English and she was just plain annoying. She kept acting like she was our actual teacher and....was just annoying! I know, she's a sub so she doesn't know our class well enough to treat us the right way, but she should realize that we're not three and we can function properly.

Me and Alexa had a heart to heart during art today. I think we both got to know each other a little bit better. Alexa is a great person. She's nice and way smarter than she gives herself credit for. I don't know how to say what I want to say.....whatever. We agree on a lot of things and.....there I go again. Oh well.

Jillybean sighting today!

I had the best run of my life today. Me, Avery, and Gabby went for a four mile run around town. We decided to run past Hedge's house because Gabby wanted to see where it was. We got really lucky and he happened to be outside when we ran by. He looked happy to see us and Gabby was ecstatic. We talked for a few minutes outside but then he offered us inside (That made Gabby's day). We talked for about 20 minutes about...everything. We learned that March is the worst month. Ever. We also learned that 50 degrees or below, no skin showing except on your face. He said that he was going to come and watch some spring track and cross country meets next year! We were all worried that once he left, he would never come back. We're going to write him letters every now and then to keep him informed of our running triumphs and follies. Day made :)

I went to watch the band concert with Kevin and Emily. The band sounds so much better than the orchestra. We went to the lobby during Wind Ensemble to talk to Dianna and Arianna.

I'm excited for my field trip tomorrow! Tri-M is going to the mall to play holiday music. Emily is going to be my bus-buddy. :)

Congrats to Kristin Marie Kempa on 200 blips today!!!

Alexa might get mad at me because this one is a little long...

"Ideas that you'll never find, all the inventors could never design" - Speed of Sound, Coldplay

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