dare to be happy =)

By daretobehappy

CD Reflections

Started off the day by watching the first half of 10 Things I Hate About You, it was kinda weird. The picture was taken before I started watching it haha. I took around 30 pictures of the reflection that the CD made of the computer screen. Pretty cool stuff haha. I tried calling Eric afterwards, only he didn't answer and I left a voicemail; which ultimately led to our late-night phonecalls' downfall. He accidently hit the 'Redial' button instead of the 'Voicemail' button, which ended up calling our house really early in the morning. This kinda alerted my parents, and they found out, so now I'm grounded. Yay me! Haha, I guess of all things to get in trouble for and learn a lesson about, this is definitely a good one.
Haha well beforeee I was grounded, I woke up and played Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on the computer cuz I felt like being 10 again =). It's quite a fun game, actually. Although the new way to make Harry walk around is really hard to master (pour moi), and is more like how video game controls are. But other than that it's fun =). The rest of the day was basically chilling. Until I got grounded of course. Ahh life lessons.

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