Life from the sofa

Life from the sofa today, rather that life on the sofa. I think Steve might be blipping life (kind of) on the sofa instead, we'll have to see...

Been a bit of a non-day today.

After getting to bed very very very late last night after getting the washing up and laundry done so I wouldn't have to do it today we didn't get a lie-in. Well I could've had a lie in as Steve took Ben downstairs but Charley was fed up of being in a very full (wet) nappy so I gave in and got up as well. Still, could have been worse!

We weighed Charley last night, on the Wii. It's been two weeks since the last weigh-in and he's put on a whole pound! So now according to the Wii Fit he's 10lbs. Which explains why quite a lot of his sleepsuits and vests are a little on the tight side! Can hardly believe that I'm having to put half his clothes away in bags already. He's only just a month old and I've already had to get out the 0-3month stuff. I didn't have to do that for at least 3 months with Ben!! Glad we've already got a lot of clothes in various sizes, I don't think we're going to get a great deal of wear out of them this time around ;0)

No pancakes for breakfast today. Just coffee and weetabix. Lots of coffee. And eventually, a bath for Ben as he still had a poorly toe. The plan was to give Ben a bath, get dressed, and go out to the supermarket and the cafe for lunch. Never goes to plan does it! Ended up with both children unimpressed at various points, of course.

Finally got out of the house and arrived at the supermarket with the aim being for me to sit with the boys in the cafe while Steve did the trolley dash. Except the cafe was 5 minutes away from closing so I just sat there feeding Charley (again) as Ben ran around hiding under chairs and fighting imaginary things with his sword. (They were the things I didn't have to tell him off for, anyway.)

Just felt like a pointless day! Managed to hold in the hunger-pysychosis but was getting close to breaking point - and then we got home, and discovered Ben fast asleep in the back of the car, and then he stayed fast asleep as I took him in the house, and stayed fast asleep as I laid him out on the sofa...! Couldn't help chuckling and smiling at that :) He's not done a sleepy transfer like than in over a year!! Stayed asleep long enough to get Charley changed and fed, and us fed as well. Woke up just in time to stop Steve doing any DiY so instead we're watching Kung Fu Panda again (watching Ben watching Po fight Tai Lung is quite the comic experience!) and I'm going to put Ben to bed properly once the movie is over. And hope he does go to sleep! At least that was the plan.... except.... well. It's the "P" word again isn't it. Charley's waking up again.

The last word goes to Chocolate.

I've tried brie and bread and satsumas to try and curb the chocolate craving.

Resistance is futile....

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