
Another very very very late night again last night. I really need to stop trying to do things in the evenings. I managed to rein in the desire to make another chocolate Guinness cake, knowing full well it would take far longer than it ought. And I'd end up going to bed at stupid o'clock again.

This is backblipped so I'm struggling to remember what we did...

Split up my "Herman" the German friendship cake except only managed to get one portion away - it's a massive effort to get out these days! The rest has been recombined and I'll make one portion into the cake, and keep feeding it until I can give more portions away I guess :)

Took Charley out in the afternoon to post some very late Christmas cards, drop some cheques in at the bank, and buy some kilner jars to pot Steve's Citron Tea (which I managed to get done and still get to bed at only just gone midnight tonight) (hence the reason Charley is in the cradle hold wrap in the photo - it was the only way we could get it done!)

Also got some new trousers for Ben and a very cute pair of dungarees for Charley!

And that was it.

Dropped crockery off, split up the friendship started batter, made it to the shops, potted the citron tea.

And went to bed.


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