Family and friends

Lovely day.

Lie in.

Visit to my Dads...conversations about the good old days when science teachers were allowed to do dangerous experiments without fear of the health and safety police or someone trying to sue for some undefined trauma. Plenty of brews, then an amazing display of coordinated activity that resulted in the living room being cleared of absolutely anything breakable or consumable in readiness for the arrival of my sister, her husband and their 3 gorgeous children.

Fun, frivolity and chaos ensued - it's amazing how quickly children grown and change. My youngest nephew, Henry, is now walking. Stanley, once so happy to pose for the camera has mastered the anti-paparazzi stance - arm in front of his face and announcing "No pictures". Eve has become quite serious. Amazing. My sister and her husband as ever retain a wonderful, attentive but calm approach to the children that fills me with awe everytime I am with them.

We then went to my Aunty and Uncle's house for lovely food, fun and games for James with my cousins who have returned from far afield (London and Philadelphia), boxing matches with the Kinect, James hitting Si in the goolies (twice), a ridiculously silly board game with the adults, and lots and lots of time with baby Charlie, who I photographed in September (I think) when he was only 12 weeks old. Now, 7 months, still as wonderful but he has changed so much. I have never met such a placid, good humoured and engaged baby. Absolutely amazing AND I got to have twenty minutes cuddles without any crying (from him or me) at all. To top it off, Nana maintained her usual level of incredulity as my cousins and their friends headed out of the door at 11.40pm to go out on the town...."Are there places open at this time of the night?" she asked....we all rolled our eyes and said "Yes Nan".....for those of us with the energy, inclination, stomach and liver for it of course. Me? I'm just getting too old!!!!

It's been a wonderful day, great to catch up with family and friends, and I know that James has loved it. He has crashed out with a big contented smile on his face. It's been a good Christmas.

Love to all my fab family - you're all ace.

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