Year Three

By RobotChicken

Replacing an overhanging roof

Well, it might not be clear but there a hole in that roof there.

Just on the right.

Anyway, one of those jobs I've been putting off, but in a fit of pique I decided to get on with it. Number of problems a) I'm a crap carpenter b) i've never done a roof in my life.

First part came down quite easily, leaving a clear frame that needed repainting and priming. It has problems but nothing that won't last another 10 years. A problem painted over is a problem solved.

Second part was a bit of reinforcing. The nails are my age, so I added about 20 new screws into the structure. Not sure if it'll help, but it can't be any worse. Plus it ticks my "I hate nails and did something about it" box nicely.

Third part is new material. Got that in, got some extra boards in as well to seal it up much better than last time.

Fourth part is installing new electrics like a new motion sensor flood light.

Got as far as I could today, tomorrow we put the deck on, the felt, and the shingles, wire up the electrics, and remove some old electrics.

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