Morton Loch

I was rudely disturbed this morning during my daily sort beauty routine by Mr Lif shrieking in a most unusual fashion. I rushed downstairs to see what the cause of his hysterics was. He had only gone and snapped MY ROBIN with that damned new fangled camera we got yesterday. From the kitchen window which you can barely see out of after the winds and rain, without the big boy lens and without the tripod....Gah....You can imagine his joy.... you can also imagine how pleased I was for him ;)

After the euphoria had died down we headed off to Morton Loch for a spot of twitching and a picnic lunch. We saw several buzzards, assorted ducks and swans but due to fiddle faddling with various cameras and accessories failed to come up with anything spectacular. We then headed down to the beach for a stroll before the rain/sleet came on.

Then home to get snug and warm up with a mulled wine and a movie. Perfect :)

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