
She will kill me if she sees this :) Sis, niece and mum came to visit this afternoon. I made some homemade pizzas and dragged assorted nibbles from the fridge for everyone to graze on. It seemed to go down well. Mr Lif retired to the sitting room to watch his footie while us girls had a natter and a giggle in the kitchen. It always happens in the kitchen doesn't it :)

Just me and him this evening and we are pondering on a midnight walk up the hill to watch the fireworks at midnight....that's if I don't end up snoozing by then.

2011 has been a great year in some ways (its not every year you get married is it) and desperately sad in other ways. I am looking forward to embracing 2012 with open arms.

Have a fab New Year fellow blippers. Chin chin xx

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