For the family

By RonaMac

The Last Rose of 2011

Found this whilst out feeding the birds this morning.

Early (relatively for me) blip today, so that I can try to tidy up for the New Year and compile a list of things to be carried over to January.

No partying tonight, have done enough over the past week to keep me going through the next few weeks.

This has been another busy year and thanks to Blip I can do a quick scan to see the highlights of my last 200+ days.

Blip is providing me with a whole new learning experience and the opportunity to meet friends that I would never meet in "real life".

An enormous thank you to "Blip HQ" for facilitating this superb site and all Blippers around the world, your work is inspiring.

Have a great evening.
Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and satisfying 2012 :0) x

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