Happy New Year's Eve.....

Chocolate Guinness Cake, baked Camembert and caramelised onion chutney, and hopefully a glass of sloe gin (2010 vintage) and tonic for dinner tonight!

All of us are poorly so we're having NYE at home. And if at all possible, in bed. Asleep.

Strange sort of day today. Steve went out early by himself to get to Ikea again before the day's delivery of the chest of drawers we wanted sold out again (the 5-drawer chest was £99 down from £199, whereas the 3-drawer chest was £139 down from £159. No wonder the big one had sold out yesterday!) so he only got back at 3ish, exhausted, having done a 140 mile round trip for the second time in two days, poorly.

Ben and Charley and I spent the day in pyjamas, playing, and attempting to build Ben's new dining chair in between feeding Charley and making more coffee.

Of course Steve came home while the chair was not even half built, took one look and told me I was using the wrong screws for something. This was after being greeted by Ben saying "Daddy, you gonna be cross, we lost a screw." Which I thought we had! Turns out I'm not very good at hanging on to a continuous stream of thought when there are a million distractions and half an hour in between attempting to follow each instruction. Also turns out we hadn't lost a screw. I was just using the wrong ones.

Also managed to move a small chest of drawers into Ben's room, which is still empty until I can decide what's going to be kept in it; and boxed up the previous contents of the drawers. Found stuff I'd forgotten about! Now we have most of the furniture we need to get our bedroom organised, and also Ben's room pretty much, it's just a case of emptying and dismantling old stuff, moving the enormous printers' drawers, and building the new stuff. Just. Y'know. Just.

And now, now I am off to cut into that cake.

And pour a glass of something to go with it :)

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