jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Happy New Year happy haggis dinner

And more presents! Specifically, a soft tool kit!! I love my brother and sister in law - that was an INSPIRED present.

Well I could go for an introspective blip today but I have my brother and his wife here, plus Ben who is so excited to see them still that he's showing no sign of flagging whatsoever, so have no brain left for thinking much. Plus I've eaten too much haggis and vegetables and chocolate, although my glass of wine is still in the kitchen. Christmas cake for supper later - or Christmas pudding maybe, depending what we fancy. And there's cheese and crackers and port too, and a choice of 3 different bottles of fizz. (I'm determined that one of them at least will get drunk tonight!)

Ok. I have a moment.

What has this year seen? Heartache for dear friends, two grandmas gone, chickenpox, rashes, teething, eczema, a brother getting married, both our 30th birthdays, our 10th wedding anniversary, a big celebratory weekend away seeing all the family, discovering Blip...... Ups and downs, highs and lows. I can't decide whether overall it's been a good year or not. There have been some really really sad times, tragic times, some celebratory times, a lot of frustrating times. I think on balance I'm hoping for a better, happier year next year. I realised earlier this year that now I'm a parent and know more parents as a result, I'm now exposed to a whole different circle of friends and the highs and lows of life are different and somehow seem magnified. Blip has added another circle of friends and I have seen so much heartache in amongst all the beautiful images posted. I've also seen a lot of happy times, don't get me wrong, but it just seems that as I get older I become more aware of life's hardships.

Maybe one of my resolutions this year (apart from, as I mentioned on somebody else's blip, to have less frenzied tidying up times) should be to expand my vision more. To try and get out more. See more. Notice more. Be more aware of my surroundings.

(Others include... keeping on top of the housework, finishing Ben's room, getting the bathroom finished, maybe getting our bedroom or the guest bedroom finished, figuring out what I want from purpledancer and getting my website sorted out, doing some professional photoshoots, getting a new fridge-freezer, getting a dishwasher, having another baby......)

We'll see, won't we.....

Happy New Year, you lovely lot of blippers :)

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