Sun in the sky.............. know how I feel
Birds flying high, you know how I feel.
Reeds drifting on by, you know how I feel,
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life - for me,
And I'm feeling good.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I should have been a songwriter!!!!!

But ok. I'll leave the singing to Michael and Nina and others who may have made a better job of it than me.

Not much sun in the sky yesterday but these were the thoughts in my mind as I drifted off to sleep last evening - both before and after midnight!

Feeling good as I have so much. A lovely wife of 35+ years who has stood by me through thick and thin.

Two wonderful children who make me so proud every time I think of them and what they are doing. (Confirmed in the service at Trefonen Church this morning which Hannah took. See here)

A wonderful daughter-in-law who, no matter how hard she tries to disguise it, cannot hide the fact that she is about to give birth to our first grandchild.

Parents, and while they were still with us, parents-in-law, who supported us and have been an inspiration as well as example to us to follow.

And family - too many to mention - and friends for being there.

So, although the sun may not be in the sky etc etc. I'm feeling good.

Happy New Year to all you fellow blippers out there. Have a great 2012 y'all.

Promise not to wax lyrical again. That's enough for one year!

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