New Year's day at Crammond

I woke up this morning with a terrible headache, a hangover and a bit of that cold that has become very attached to me. Last night it was supposed to be quiet with no much drinking... Well! I ended up drinking more than I was intending to and the dinner party finished a bit later than I expected to, but I had a brilliant time! We celebrated New Year at 11.00, because that's 12.00 in Spain, by eating one grape per bell, and then again at 12.00! So, I have celebrated New Year three times: on Friday evening and twice last night! No wonder my body is complaining!

So yes, too much cake eating and alcohol drinking over the festive period. My body needs a break now!

The weather was nice and sunny this afternoon so I decided to take my bike and go for a cycle to Crammond, one of my favourite places. It started raining a bit but it didn't last long. Thank god for that, because I didn't take my waterproof jacket! The place was heaving with people and dogs going for the first walk of the year. The cycling and the fresh sea air definitely cured everything: the cold, the hangover, the headache... I feel so much better now! :)

Still on holiday and planning to go to the gym tomorrow. I really need to do something good to my body now!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my New Year blip! I hope you all had a great time last night and a good day today as well! I wish all the best to all of you for 2012! :)

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