On the road

Well not really. Today I've been more 'on my arse' to be honest, relaxing from a great christmas. I even set about fixing the curtain rail that broke back in September. Good moves.

I've been playing a game called Assassins Creed Brotherhood that my bro got me for christmas. I think it's safe to say that it's the best game I have ever played. It's not your typical game though: it's set in late fifteenth century Rome when you are fighting against the controlling Borgia against a backdrop of renaissance Italy. All the landmarks of Rome are there in great detail, but the gameplay has now been brought up to spec as well. I thought Assassins Creed Two (set in Florence circa 1476) was a great game, but it's follow up has topped in. The fourth in the series 'Revelations' is currently out in the shops - I'm geniunely excited at the prospect of buying it. One day.

In other news I have made two new years resolutions. The first (and toughest) is to stop smoking cigarettes. I think it can be done. The other one is to start eating that veg stuff. So far I have had some odd peas that are served in a pod which I didn't like (but masked the flavour using ketchup) and today I attacked a fruit smoothie. Nice.

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