As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Be Fearless

Not a bad day at all. We took the first part of an easy English test today. In chem we took an easy quiz and in bio I ate a lit of food (as usual). Euro was fun and in research we talked about some meaningful things (also as usual). I started writing the essay for the second part of my English test in Italian. After school I hid in Hunter's room. Track was an easy three miles in preparation for tomorrow's meet. I tutored two kids tonight and made got home in time to start studying for bio before I wanted to fall asleep. I'm feeling pretty good about this test tomorrow, and I don't think anything could upset me right now because tomorrow's my birthday! After tomorrow, that's a different story...

Now I'm sharing depressing songs from my childhood with Alex and Alyssa. What a party.

Word of the Day: Fetial - Concerned with declarations of war and treaties of peace


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