As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

When You See This Many Bows, You Get Excited

It's Tuesday, isn't it....

I had a science test this morning. I thought it was fair and my teacher saw me after school and told me that I got all of the multiple choice right, and that's the part that I was worried about. I'm not even going to talk about English. Math was interesting, as always. After school, I had a Rube Goldberg meeting and we actually got stuff done! We have about five steps planned out. We're working from the end back. After that I came home and did some homework.

I had orchestra rehearsal for the first time since early December. I had fun and it felt nice to play the cello again. Our conductor said the title and compared our orchestra to Terminator 3. The brass are the ships that seek out the people with heat-seeking lasers and the strings are the clean-up crew. I've never seen the movie but if it can be compared to an orchestra, it's either a bad movie or our conductor can make great analogies. There is an All-County rehearsal next week so she wanted to see who could actually show up to practice. She had those that would attend raise their bows. And then she said the title.

Tomorrow's my birthday! I turn 15 sometime very early in the morning. I'm not expecting anything too exciting to happen and tomorrow's blip is probably going to be bad because I don't think I'm doing anything exciting...

Amazing song: Saviour by Lights

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