The Prism

Today's the day ............................. to look at the back

We are in the middle of an on-going project at the Quaker Tapestry where I work, to reframe the 77 panels of embroidery that make up the main exhibition. Techniques that existed back in the 80s when the original framing took place, are now thought to damage the embroideries - and so the new method will hopefully conserve them into the future.

This is the title panel known as The Prism and it was very carefully unlaced and removed from its backing board today by the experts. It was very exciting to be able to look at the back of it and to find it signed by Anne Wynn-Wilson, the originator of the whole Quaker Tapestry project.

It is such a striking panel - and the only one which uses all 120 different colours of wool chosen originally for the project. It was just possible to make out the reference numbers that Anne had pencilled in and a real privilege to have a quick look at the back before it got covered up again .....................

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