As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Can We Get Some Soy Sauce Over Here?

I woke up with quite a headache today. That didn't stop me from driving with my dad though. We went to Wantagh Park and went around the lot a few times and then I went out of the park and around the streets of Mandalay for a while. It was a little nerve-wracking but it was fun.

I had a rehearsal for the wedding I'm playing at next week. It was quick and painless. Then I went to Jani with Kristin and Ashleigh. I really started to feel bad so we postponed our adventure and decided to go back to Ashleigh's house to watch a movie. We watched Superstar because that movie is still hilarious, no matter how many times you see it. Now I'm home and I feel gross.

Kristin took this because I was too tired to lift my camera off of the table.

Word of the Day: Cimmerian - Very dark; gloomy; deep

#88 ~ "I'm NOT a slut!"

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