My Life in 2012

By Jennay

The Culinary Institute of America

Today was the day I would fill my Sagittarian needs: Travel.

Sagittariuses biggest trait is to travel. Sadly, I do not not get to do this often. I usually just go back and forth between Connecticut and New York City, seeing the same towns pace me by as I go. It gets pretty boring and I know that there is so much more out there to see.

Well, I've been planning on seeing my best friend in upper state New York for ages since we both moved to college. Finally, this weekend I was able to find sometime.

Above is him...Andre. He has been my best friend since Sophmore year of high school, and we have been inseperable ever since. I'm not going to lie, I've been pretty heartbroken since we both left our hometown. You become so accustomed to having someone around you that when they're're convinced they took a part of you with them...leaving you incomplete. Not necessiarily depressed...just incomplete. A little hole in your heart.

Being able to spend the day and night with him is allowing nostolgia to affect me. I can't help but think of all the times we shared together and how I want them back...They seems so far away. But that's okay. AtleastI know that nothing could ever tear us apart.

But to sum up my day today, I am making every moment last while I'm here with him. I only wonder if he is doing the same,.,

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