My Life in 2012

By Jennay

Sunrise to Sunset

And back to New York City once again. My trip to Hyde Park was everything I hoped it would be. I know that sounds cliche but it is true. I was able to enjoying the country ride which I obviously will never be able to do in Manhattan.

I mean take the sunset for instant. This is what I was able to witness the entire time on the train. It was so relaxing. The power of rays just melted away all my troubles. That was a moment I could live in for awhile. I'm not sure many people known just how curable stress is...people think medication or alcohol will relieve their pain but it really won't. That's only temporary happiness. Store bought happiness. In other words, a smile with an expiration date. But there is something that can help without having to pay one single cent: still water. Still water is breath taking and reminds you how simple life is. It isn't a roaring ocean or a rapid river...just a calm body of water just waiting to be explored. A when the sun sun reflects off it just're troubles are just gone. Gone...gone...gone.

And God provided it for you. Not a pill. Not a Beverage. God. Thank him. more thing I'd like to mention. On my travels this weekend I met a lot of new people. I like the idea of meeting people in new places. Because you might be surprised how many strangers are just like you. And you never know how those strangers will affect your life...mysterious, dangerous even. But it's thrilling nonetheless.

Man, I love being a saggitarius

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