A little Madam!

Quiet day today as we were all tired.

Not a very good day with Snuffles today. This was her first day without painkillers and she h0as been a little jumpy all day. First thing this morning she was ok and we went outside and she done her business and then she was ok for a while and then she never moved out her bed for hours. I began to get a little concerned as she wouldn't even come out of her bed for a bit of cheese. She eventually did to growl at me!! Well at least I knew she was ok then. She has eaten and had a bit to drink and been back outside again but she has had a few accidents today in the house which I presume is just down to the numb feeling she may have??? I eventually rang the vets to double check and they think it is just down to there being no painkillers today. We are due to go for a check up at the vets tomorrow afternoon so hopefully she will be brighter again by then or they will give me more painkillers.


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