Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Sizzling Sunset

This photo was taken at almost the same time at exactly the same spot as yesterday's blip. What a difference.

This is the second day of our January vacation. We have our three pups with us, and we are having a very good time. This morning we moved to the best room in the facility for the same price as the room we had stayed in yesterday. This is upstairs and has lots more windows and lots more space.

The pups stayed in the car in the shade while we had a late delicious Mexican breakfast. Then we went for a long ride, found a dog park that they enjoyed thoroughly. Took an afternoon nap. A few moments before sunset we made the 4-block trek to the shoreline. The crowd's attitude reminded us of Mallory Square in Key West and the sunset couldn't have been better. Later in our room, we enjoyed the movie Funny Farm with Chevy Chase while Max positioned himself in front of the window and "watched" the big outdoors. He loves watching. Meanwhile Mitzi and Chloe snoozed.

Our only plans for tomorrow are to keep having fun.

We've had a lazy, leisure, lovely day.
Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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