Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Sandy Saturday

This photo is not the best, but the memory will always be terrific of this beach vacation day we've all enjoyed together.

Our daughter and her hubby and their two pups joined us mid-morning at this vacation home. The first thing we did was to take the pups to the sand and burn some energy. These two pups are brother and sister (Buddy and Ladybug). They were born in May; we think their mother was Queensland Heeler, and we think they had different fathers. The female is definitely the "alpha" dog, and we've thought at times she might be a little mean. So we were concerned about these two interacting with Chloe and my sis's blind dog. So wearing off some energy seemed like a good idea. When I would put Chloe on the sand, it looked like Ladybug wanted to attack her. Not good!

A while later, we all headed into the house to have a late morning breakfast together. I put Chloe in her fenced-in pen and quickly it was obvious she wanted to get out and play. So with more than a little fear, I held her for awhile and then put her on the floor. It didn't take long before Chloe had Ladybug running and corralled. Little 8 pound Chloe won the "alpha" contest. Quickly these three pups were all friends and the remainder of the day was just pure fun watching them play together.

In the afternoon we went back out to the sand to play more Frisbee. I held Chloe on my lap so we could sit and watch, and I could take photos. Chloe just had a fit, she wanted to play too; however, a week ago Chloe was spayed and she has 14 staples holding the incision closed on her belly, not to mention she has a little inflated tube around her neck to keep her from messing with the incision. So, much to her displeasure, I did not let her get down to play Frisbee.

Our daughter, her daddy (Mr. Fun), and the two pups threw and chased the Frisbee until they were all exhausted.

At about 6:00 p.m. the kids headed for home. Before they left we all agreed that it had been a tremendous day because the dogs have decided they are family! It's been a super Saturday filled with sand and surf.

Thanks for checking-in and for yesterday's nice comments. Tomorrow this beach vacation continues. Woohoo!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe) on vacation, aka Carol

P.S. Ladybug is the shorter of the two pups! She's all muscle!

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