Today's the day ....................... when the white doves descended
The Dove universally symbolizes innocence, gentleness, faith, marital affection, peace and constancy. Its image stills our worried and troubled thoughts, and shows us how to find renewal in the silence of our minds. In such moments of stillness, we are able to appreciate the simple blessings that go unnoticed in the chaos that surrounds us each day. They serve as a gentle reminder that there is always hope, new possibilities and miracles waiting, just around the corner......
Don't you think though - that there's something a bit evil-looking about this trio that descended into our back garden today? I mean - why three of them for a start? Don't they go around in pairs like other birds? They sat on the roof for a while and then they flew down to monopolise the feeders, scaring all the other birds away in the process. I think they're part of the 'allotment' gang - from the pigeon lofts on the north side of town.
Up to no good, mark my words .........................
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