What is this? #9

Answer to what is this? #8: All of those who mentioned a jug of some sort were on the right track. It was a white ceramic milk or cream jug. Now that you mentioned it, it looked a bit like a toilet! Hahaha!

I was off today. I woke up early, had some breakfast, did some charity shopping (I love browsing in charity shops! You find great stuff in there, it's a great way of recycling as well and it's all for a good cause!), went to the gym, went to the doctor's and paid a visit to my friend Kevs afterwards. We had a nice chat over a cup of tea and Christmas cake. A delicious Christmas cake, by the way, that he had made himself! I swapped "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" part 1 for part 2, which was the film I hadn't seen yet. Now I need to find time to see the DVD! Put a washing when I got home and now I'm relaxing.

Not bad for a day off, and the weather was quite nice for Scottish standards, although a bit windy.

Back to work tomorrow, and I'll be off at the weekend!!! Can't wait! :D

Thanks very much for your imaginative guesses! I hope you all had a good day today! :)

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