Family Dog

By Family_Dog

rollin' with ma homies

This is Arlo's best mate Finn. He is 8 weeks older than Arlo and has to be one of the smiliest babies ever. We love him!

Finn is my friend Lynne's little boy (younger brother to Bryce). We popped across the bridge to visit them today for some lunch (was delish) and to get Arlo started on the 'how to have friends' thing.

Admittedly, neither Arlo or Finn were overly interested in each other although Finn obviously thought that if he could just get Arlo in his mouth then all would be well.

Ah this photo just cracked me up. It's easy to fast forward 20 years to see these same 2 boys in a similar pose - Finn whispering something very naughty in Arlo's ear and Arlo striking his pose for the camera.


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