5/31 from a high angle

(I was standing on the sofa, does that count?!)

So I have called the midwives to get booked in to the Tongue Tie Clinic - only it's not on next week so we have a fortnight to wait. If only we'd not all been poorly over Christmas, or I'd realised I didn't have to get a referral from the drop-in group first! Although I probably wouldn't have gone to the drop-in if I'd been to the clinic first - and as a result of the drop-in I'm now on the list for the next Peer Supporter Training course :) Can't believe I've got that sorted before phoning the physio.....

Also got a whole load of laundry washed, dried and folded; and have made lasagne (with white sauce made from scratch, which curdled rather annoyingly) for dinner. It's obvious Charley's had a bit of a sleepy day.

No time to try the photo ideas I've had though as Ben has been a mini tornado in the living room and it is in utter disarray (to put it mildly). Even the picture I attempted to take looking down at him from a step up the stairs didn't work so well - the artificial light is pretty bad in the hall and he wouldn't stay still despite bribery with marshmallows.

But now dinner has been had, Steve is out for the third night in a row (week of prayer this week so prayer meetings every night), the boys are both tired, and Ben has just been to see me to sing through ALL the songs we sang at Little Fishes this morning which he point blank refused to join in with earlier - and he only knows ALL the words AND all the signs. Hmm. Despite appearances the boy does pay an awful lot of attention to what's going on around him...

All I have to do now is get Ben into his pyjamas and tucked into bed without waking Charley who has (in)conveniently fallen asleep on my shoulder. Then I can have another play with blankets and such :) Let's see what we come up with tonight!


Nearly gave up! Just wasn't working, couldn't get it right... still not quite right, but I had fun :D

Ben was VERY sweet at bedtime. Charley was quite happy when I popped him into his nest to get Ben into pyjamas, so I thought ok, give Ben his cuddle downstairs. Ben was falling asleep on my lap and Charley was still happy so I though ok, take Ben upstairs and put him to bed. "No mummy, want cuddle DOWNstairs, want BEEBEE mummy...." so I told him we'd have a cuddle on his chair in his bedroom and then put him to bed. Ok. Charley still happy. Had a cuddle with Ben, put him into bed, he said he was going to be scared so I told him Mr Snowman would look after him. He preferred the big bad mouse so he took mouse in for a cuddle. I thought I heard Charley making noises so I told Ben I was going to get Charley, but then no more noises - so I asked Ben if he wanted me to stay with him until he was asleep.

"I am asleep, mummy. Get Charley"


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