As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Crash Into Me

What a day. I'm really starting to like "Of Mice and Men". I think it's a very well-written and interesting book. While I'm on the topic of books, I'm almost done with "Inheritance", which is the last book in the series that includes "Eragon". I made my schedule for next year today during 8th period. I've decided on taking health, graphic art, and a lunch next year. I talked with Kenny in the library instead of going back to gym after I left guidance. We talked about our schedules and careers and the future and such. I left feeling much better about my decision. I also did my Italian speaking for my midterm today. That was really easy. Right after school I went to an academic team match and competed. I did okay, nothing fantastic. Today's match taught me two things; first, Peter is not as much of an asshole as I previously thought and second, that Jimmy actually looks at my blips. I went straight from the match to tutoring for an hour. When I got home from that I got dressed to run and jogged to the school. I did a 3x1,000 workout in the dark by myself. It was tough but I think I like running by myself better. Now I'm home and trying to schedule the next three months of my life.

Word of the Day: Expostulate - To reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done

#92 ~ "When I was young I knew everything"

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